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Wyeth Paid Ghost Writers to Author Favorable Medical Journal Articles on its HRT Drugs. Documents revealed by Sen. Charles Grassley's office show that the drug company Wyeth .

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More Than One in Five Medical Journals Are Still Using Ghost Writers . Congress Probes Wyeth

Wyeth seems to have contracted with a medical writing . doesn't help, not one bit, to get papers into the journals . List the ghost writers as authors and acknowledge the funding .

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Oh peer reviewed journals and pharma company publishing, there is another load. ghost writers. paying off editors. holding . you are busted and your opinion means ghost writers journals wyeth busted nothing

Re: Wyeth Paid Ghost Writers to Author Favorable Medical ghost writers journals wyeth busted Journal Articles on its HRT Drugs View Thread Posted by Dr. Wedemeyer on 12/14/08 at 19:22

by Joseph T. Wells, Journal of Accountancy, July 2006 . Ghost writers for the halls of academe Sen. Charles E. Grassley . to articles financed by the pharmaceutical maker Wyeth .

. on the first study were busted for unreported personal income from industry and all four were on POGO

Unholy Ghost[G] Writers on Depression Nell Casey, Editor . John Allan Wyeth (South Carolina) Poetry from the First . A Writer's Life Michael Greenberg (Other Books) A Collection .

Graphic Ghost Medical Writers, Working for Wyeth . the medical journals that published them. Although Wyeth . assistance by Wyeth or contributions by medical writers .

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Beware the ghost(writer)s of medical research, Troy Media . Busted: Wyeth Used Ghostwriters to Place over 40 "Scientific . Vaccination update across the U.S. Population, Journal .

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